The 640 MEG Shareware Studio 1
The 640 Meg Shareware Studio CD-ROM Volume I (Data Express)(1992).ISO
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File List
161 lines
301MACRO.ZIP 482,277 07-18-91 WordPerfect Office v3.01 Macros.
51APRLST.ZIP 8,778 04-23-91 List of printers supported by WP5.
51MACROS.ZIP 39,726 03-09-92 Macros for Word Perfect (Windows 3.1)
51SHEET.ZIP 7,937 11-05-91 List of all WordPerfect 5.1 sheet feeder def.
AMINW.ZIP 15,737 09-19-91 AmiPro v2.0 Adjunct: Updated Ami Pro DLL.
APCRSSRF.ZIP 2,133 01-03-92 AmiPro v2.0 Adjunct: Macro generates xref
APEXPSTY.ZIP 3,785 01-03-92 AmiPro v2.0 Adjunct: Expense rpt style sheet
APEXTAMI.ZIP 1,313 01-03-92 Amipro v2.0 Adjunct: Macro allows exit Ami
APFFT10.ZIP 25,657 01-03-92 AmiPro v2.0 Adjunct: DCA Final Form Filt v2
APFIXSTY.ZIP 13,288 10-07-91 AmiPro v2.0 Adjunct: corrects graphic misrep
APICONS.ZIP 38,898 01-03-92 Ami Pro 2.0 Adjunct, AmiPro,use on Smart Icon
APMAC10.ZIP 6,325 01-03-92 AmiPro v2.0 Adjunct: collection of macros
APMRGACT.ZIP 1,005 11-01-91 AmiPro v2.0 Adjunct: Merge Action workaround
APMSCRIP.ZIP 53,515 01-03-92 AmiPro v2.0 Adjunct: filter for Manuscript
APRFT20.ZIP 62,342 01-03-92 AmiPro v2.0 Adjunct: Rev filt for Final Form
APWP20.ZIP 18,278 01-03-92 AmiPro v2.0 Adjunct: Updated filter for WP
BIGWP.ZIP 46,590 01-31-91 TSR to enlarge display in WP/Letter Perfect
BOXCHT.ZIP 11,263 12-05-91 Genealogy box charts for WordPerfect
BOXMNU.ZIP 3,914 07-07-91 Macro to make Boxes in WP Editor
BREEZE45.ZIP 318,054 07-01-92 BREEZE word processor v4.5 from Australia.
BULLET91.ZIP 4,111 09-21-91 Visual Bullets macro for WP 5.1
BULVIS.ZIP 4,008 09-18-91 Word Prefect bullet macro.
BYDSIGN.ZIP 243,220 05-30-91 Word perfect 5 graphic design manager
CALNDR.ZIP 18,996 10-04-91 WP 5.1 Calendar Maker
CAPMKR.ZIP 15,310 01-04-90 Word Perfect Macro to print and make captions
CCWMRG.ZIP 31,202 08-10-92 WordPerfect for Windows list of common calls
CEDIT24.ZIP 439,629 04-19-92 Chinese word processor
CEDT0891.ZIP 107,256 08-09-91 CEDIT is a mouse based Chinese word processor
CIRCLE.ZIP 5,161 04-01-91 Word Perfect Macro to do a circle text box
CLPCAT.ZIP 10,369 02-10-91 Produce a catalog of WordPerfect graphics
COMPR.ZIP 23,288 11-19-91 Compare WP files word by word
CONCORD.ZIP 1,118 08-27-91 WordPerfect Macro to make a "Concordance".
CSCH56.ZIP 117,896 06-25-90 For keeping your research and summary notes.
CUG319.ZIP 196,212 09-22-91 CPP-C Preprocessor w/srch
DA10.ZIP 7,683 10-21-91 WP macro to copy, del w/o "Sure?" Command
DBF2SP.ZIP 56,007 06-13-91 Merge .DBF files to Sprint word processor
DBF_WP2M.ZIP 1,517 08-02-92 Export .DBF data to WP secondary merge format
DIAMON.ZIP 4,746 04-07-91 Word Perfect macro: flow text around diamond.
DIR51.ZIP 6,314 04-28-91 Word Perfect 5.1 Macro
DOCMST.ZIP 42,008 05-20-91 File manager word processor with few frills.
DPERFECT.ZIP 230,596 07-24-91 dPERFECT MERGE Convert dbase to WP merge
DTSRCH11.ZIP 285,109 08-14-91 Dtsearch v1.1 text retrieval for word perfect
DW0386.ZIP 72,817 01-15-91 Microsoft Word 5.50 patch for AWARD DTK Bios
EMAILPRS.ZIP 3,389 03-30-92 Prepare WP docs for EMAIL. Formatting utility
ENVEL211.ZIP 19,695 07-18-92 Envelope processor v2.11 for WordPerfect 5.1
ENVELO.ZIP 3,885 06-03-91 Word Perfect macro to print envelopes
EXAM.ZIP 1,328 09-02-91 Amateur radio practice exams,all elements...
FG2_21.ZIP 317,976 02-11-92 FormGen II v2.1: word processor-like drawing
FLVIEW.ZIP 42,520 01-25-92 File Viewer for wordperfect files.
FOLDR4WP.ZIP 161,427 08-18-91 Folder System mailing list: WordPerfect 5.1
FONTLESS.ZIP 5,530 03-08-90 WP Macro: add big headlines to text files
GENRLTBL.ZIP 4,230 09-24-91 General WordPerfect 5.1 Troubleshooting Guide
GRAPHCT2.ZIP 132,139 08-21-91 Graphcat v2.0 WP 5.1 macros: catalog of WPGs
GRAPHLP.ZIP 7,064 09-24-91 Graphics Helps Hints for Wordperfect 5.1.
HEADLINE.ZIP 16,128 06-08-90 Display a saying from a file
HELPSYST.ZIP 121,537 03-07-91 Help system for WordPerfect 5.0
HPMAC.ZIP 11,700 11-01-91 WordPerfect 5.1 macros:create HPLJ macros
INTERN_G.ZIP 35,664 10-03-91 Word Perfect Adjunct Ready-made award certif.
JETWP5.ZIP 7,109 05-06-91 Line draw graphic of F14. Wordperfect 5.x
JLFIXS.ZIP 2,828 08-27-91 Corr/updates to the JL Macros for WP 5.1
JLMAC1.ZIP 52,788 08-17-91 Collection of double click macros for WP 5.1
JLMAC2.ZIP 50,358 08-12-91 Collection of double click macros for WP 5.1
JLMEMO.ZIP 29,591 08-16-91 Documentation for JL macros for WP 5.1
KIDSWP.ZIP 20,537 09-20-91 Great Wordprocessor just for the kids.
KWRITE4.ZIP 178,226 09-01-91 Executive word processor
LABELS51.ZIP 11,388 09-19-91 Various Labels Information: Wordperfect 5.1
LANTASEX.ZIP 4,841 04-02-91 WP 5.1 on Lantastic network w/Expanded mem
LGL51WP.ZIP 5,870 12-19-91 WP 5.1 legal dictionary updated from 1987
LITHWP10.ZIP 108,202 10-22-91 LithPerfect v1.0: Lithuanian lang sol for WP
LTRHEAD1.ZIP 178,153 02-15-92 Letterhead Kit v1.0 for WordPerfect 5.1
MACDEC3.ZIP 238,682 12-16-91 Enhanc. for Fenimore's WP for DOS Macro Suite
MACROHLP.ZIP 21,725 09-24-91 Macro Help Hints for Wordperfect 5.1
MALT10.ZIP 37,590 08-31-91 Capability of additional "alt" keys for WP
MENU101.ZIP 8,385 08-06-91 WP5.1 macro for menu of other macros v1.01.
MERGEHLP.ZIP 20,563 09-24-91 Merge Help hints for Wordperfect 5.1
MOREPFCT.ZIP 12,587 12-25-90 Macros that optimize WP editing speed
MPE4WP12.ZIP 133,002 10-03-91 Macro Programming Environment for WordPerfect
MULTWORD.ZIP 317,888 10-15-90 Excellent Thesaurus.
NJJ210_1.ZIP 314,939 05-10-92 NJSTAR v2.1j Japanese Word Processor. 1 of 2.
NJJ210_2.ZIP 313,148 05-10-92 NJSTAR v2.1j Japanese Word Processor. 2 of 2.
NJS210_1.ZIP 358,197 05-10-92 NJSTAR v2.1 Chinese Word Processor. 1 of 3.
NJS210_2.ZIP 353,162 05-10-92 NJSTAR v2.1 Chinese Word Processor. 2 of 3.
NJS210_3.ZIP 357,403 05-10-92 NJSTAR v2.1 Chinese Word Processor. 3 of 3.
NOVAUT.ZIP 213,118 04-11-91 Utilities for NOVA word processor.
NUMBER.ZIP 496 11-23-91 Numbers all the lines in text files
PARENWPM.ZIP 3,285 08-22-91 WordPerfect Macro for using parenthesis.
PASSWP30.ZIP 30,905 09-20-91 Determine password for write prot. file in WP
PCWABB.ZIP 4,096 08-27-92 PC-Write 4.0 macros for button bars
PDXWP122.ZIP 161,896 12-05-91 Paradox to WordPerfect translator v1.22
PF10.ZIP 21,612 10-21-91 Perfetch: pop-up file finding shell for WP5.1
PIFED.ZIP 9,810 08-21-91 Text:editing .PIF files for wordperfect win 3
PP10.ZIP 7,876 10-21-91 Perfect Peeper: archive viewer from inside WP
PWLITEA.ZIP 139,950 02-14-90 Disk 1 of PCWrite Lite
PWLITEB.ZIP 215,626 03-24-90 Disk 2 of PCWrite Lite.
RECALL25.ZIP 71,398 04-10-91 Patriquin's RECALL v2.5: Point/Shoot File Sel
REVPRN.ZIP 530 12-16-91 WP 5.1 macro Prints doc in reverse page order
ROSEMENU.ZIP 3,073 01-05-92 Rose Media's main menu for WP51 format.
SAVEALL.ZIP 2,643 04-21-92 WordPerfect for Windows save all macro
SAVE_11.ZIP 4,628 06-11-92 WPWin macro to save all docs
SLNAMES.ZIP 6,510 10-21-91 Short-Long Names: WP 5.1 macro
SORTHLP.ZIP 9,059 09-24-91 Sorting Help Hints for Wordperfect 5.1
SPELL23B.ZIP 265,920 05-13-91 ShareSpell v2.3b: ASCII text spell checker
SPELLEM.ZIP 42,280 07-20-92 Improves WP's spell check/word lookup
SPELLR.ZIP 363 08-19-91 American contractions for spell checkers
STYLES.ZIP 11,658 09-20-91 Styles Information Helps for WordPerfect 5.1
SUM.ZIP 1,929 01-07-92 WordPerfect macro: convert numbers to words.
SWP1.ZIP 158,135 02-14-91 WordProcessor from Scandanavia [1/4]
SWP2.ZIP 159,576 02-14-91 WordProcessor from Scandanavia [2/4]
SWP3.ZIP 198,536 02-14-91 WordProcessor from Scandanavia [3/4]
SWP4.ZIP 235,679 02-14-91 WordProcessor from Scandanavia [4/4]
TABLEHLP.ZIP 41,352 09-24-91 Tables helps hints for wordperfect 5.1
TABLEREF.ZIP 9,272 02-28-91 Tables: A Quick Reference Guide to WP 5.1 doc
TEMPFILE.ZIP 1,538 03-27-91 WordPerfect's Temporary and Misc files
TERGEHLP.ZIP 13,288 04-18-91 Merge Helps and Hints for WP 5.1
TNSTUPDT.ZIP 6,239 02-11-91 Common Install ques/answers for WP 5
TSCHEK14.ZIP 72,393 09-30-91 UNIX-like spell checker
UNCRYPT.ZIP 8,463 03-29-91 How to remove password prot from WP file
VDE164.ZIP 147,994 08-20-92 Visual Display Editor v1.64 word processor
VDE_WP.ZIP 10,156 12-15-90 VDE Utility That Simulates WP 4.2 For VDE
WDMSTR17.ZIP 203,594 07-11-91 WordMaster v1.7 Word proc w/spellcheck more
WHAT300.ZIP 74,540 05-01-91 Format recognition utiltity for PC's
WIND50.ZIP 1,783 03-05-91 Using WP 5.0 with Windows 286 and 386
WORDPERF.ZIP 12,515 03-02-91 Files available on WordPerfect Corp's BBS
WP50ART1.ZIP 59,118 12-01-91 Word Perfect graphicset 1- Nature
WP51BRDR.ZIP 14,364 09-01-91 Documents for WP 5.1 with various borders
WP51SPD.ZIP 23,680 07-11-91 WP 5.1 document describing how to speed up WP
WP51TABL.ZIP 27,198 06-17-91 WP v5.1 tables help and hints
WP51TEMP.ZIP 10,324 02-06-90 Pop-up Screen templates for WordPerfect 5.1
WP51TIPS.ZIP 38,503 06-17-91 WP v5.1 tips and tricks
WP51ZI.ZIP 5,491 09-19-91 WP 5.1 macro:adds ZIP+4 bar code to envelope
WPBRD003.ZIP 78,089 09-07-91 Borders for Word Perfect 5.1
WPCRACK.ZIP 39,542 10-13-91 WPCRACK v1.0 Word Perfect 5.X password finder
WPENVR4.ZIP 8,242 11-22-91 Envelope macros for WordPerfect 5.0/5.1
WPFILT.ZIP 58,645 03-22-91 Wordperfect to PC-Write Filter
WPGDISK3.ZIP 107,778 06-12-91 Collection Of WP 5.1 Graphics
WPINDE.ZIP 46,522 07-01-90 View 1st 120 char (header) of all WP files
WPLEARN1.ZIP 80,663 02-22-91 1 of 3 Learn WordPerfect
WPLEARN2.ZIP 123,411 07-16-90 2 of 3 Learn WordPerfect
WPLEARN3.ZIP 66,672 07-16-90 3 of 3 Learn WordPerfect
WPM51.ZIP 37,117 07-04-91 Create a pull-down menu for WordPerfect v5.1
WPMACRO.ZIP 19,277 08-19-91 WordPerfect Macros
WPMACRO1.ZIP 2,729 03-26-91 Some useful WordPerfect macros. [1/2]
WPMACRO2.ZIP 3,097 10-06-90 Some useful WordPerfect macros. [2/2]
WPMACRO3.ZIP 4,740 03-05-91 Wordperfect macros including envelope for 5.1
WPMACROS.ZIP 199,006 10-19-91 Resident WP macro prgm. A must for WP Users.
WPMD2.ZIP 22,035 02-13-90 WP: Recovers "lost" text in 5.x doc
WPMERGE2.ZIP 27,646 08-19-91 WordPerfect Merge Help
WPMJAPAN.ZIP 7,564 07-04-91 WordPerfect 5.1 macro
WPMPRT11.ZIP 52,604 11-24-91 Print WordPerfect 5.1 macros to a disk file
WPSORT.ZIP 20,356 08-19-91 WordPerfect Sort Help
WPSPEED.ZIP 21,379 10-27-91 Tips/techniques for speeding up WP
WPSPLFIX.ZIP 4,968 05-15-90 A fix for Word Perfect 5.1 bug. From WP
WPSTYLE.ZIP 24,436 05-04-91 WPSTYLE v1.02 converts as in style sheets
WPTIPS3.ZIP 16,473 08-16-91 WordPerfect Hints and Tips
WPUTIL36.ZIP 31,994 02-10-91 Word Perfect utilities v3.6 WP5.1
WPWINFO.ZIP 5,264 09-12-91 Info on Wordperfect for Windows from WPCorp
WPWRIT11.ZIP 74,422 12-10-91 Paradox to WordPerfect (wp) secondary merge
WP_FT1A.ZIP 1,800 12-12-91 Word Perfect for Windows footnote macro.
WSDEBUGS.ZIP 2,316 01-23-91 A couple of worthwhile patches for WordStar
WSKEYS.ZIP 9,919 01-12-91 WordPerfect macro to install WordStar key def